Friday, February 20, 2009

Actors=Policticians, Politiacians=Actors, Reverse Roleplay??

So actors becoming politicians haan. Seems that we can't find even few find few ppl to represent our constituency so that we hire ppl who can sham that they are are the "real" candidates and eventually to no ones surprise they turn out to be the one !!!. So wat if we are counted as the smartest brain in the world, so what if our medicos have made India a medical tourism haven, so what if we were the first to discover zero, so what if we were a phoenix to become the largest democracy, so what if we are a land of kamasutra, so what if our economy is booming but my dear friend all those fasts nullify when we say that we have chosen MPs like Dharmendra, Govinda and Navjot Singh Siddhu. They make nothing but a mockery of our democracy. How the hell they can be called Member of Parliament when they haven't even attended 20% of the sittings of the house. Its pathetic to c that these actors are just using their status to make the democracy dance to their tune. How pathetic it feels feels when actors like these become MPs of and and make an ass of themselves appearing as a regular host on a comedy TV show when they are supposed to be solving problems of the common people of that constituency. Does somebody need to be Einstein to realize the fact?? .. I am too being too despondent being just a mock spectator of that situation. If it wouldn't have been 24th yr of my birthday I would have been contesting election. I am not saying that I am the best but surely I do know what are the duties of a MP and it doesn't even take a graduate to know that. But u know we are Indians, we will be driven by Glamor , we will be sold by the bottle of "pouvva" our netas gives us to vote for them. And he will be the next MP. how the hell does it matter to the man? he got his share of "pouvva" what else can he demand for? can he demand for education for every child in his village? can he demand for water for every tap ? can he demand for return of every bit of his blood he had shed while ploughing the field? . I say No , A bloody NO beacuse there is munnabhai, there is munnabhai to fullfill his political aspirations (he says he wants to do samaj sewa thats y he entered politics, bloody my foot). He will be in the ruling party next yr and can amend the laws very easily that suits his situation. A man who should be behind the bars will be contesting elections. Congratulations my sweet democracy for giving me MPs like Govinda and Siddhu on whom I can make 'n' number of jokes and wudn't even realise that he is the fuckin MP of our country.
So do not vote my dear. And let these MPs represent your country. Please and please DO NOT exercise your right to vote and let these jokers rule you. Because we deserve it.
So, next time please give a thought before NOT voting.

Jai Ho!!!

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